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What's New in 2003 |
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[Read the archives for 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998.]
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003
There are three new articles...
- A new version of the prostitution article was completed. The original lacked research and a clear rationale. Legalized Prostitution: Regulating the Oldest Profession by Mark Liberator is a comprehensive study of prostitution and the benefits it can bring to our nation. Numerical comparisons between countries indicates there is absolutely nothing to lose and much to gain, including national health benefits and possibly a reduction in crime.
- The Will of the Self-Righteous written by guest writer Joshua Long tells us about Nestle's struggle to collect $6 million from Ethiopia. Misguided protestors think Ethiopia shouldn't have to repay its debt. Is Nestle the victim or is Ethiopia?
- Guest writer Stephen D. Palmer writes The Divided States of America. Palmer believes Chief Justice Roy Moore’s monument of the ten commandments should not have been removed from an Alabama judicial building. He claims, without unifying principles (to include God), our country will degrade into seperatism and antagonism.
Monday, November 10th, 2003
Four new articles hit the front of The Liberator include:
- Defending Model Spreads and Interviews: A Comprehensive Argument In Favor of Picture Tributes by Mark Liberator. Our editor defends The Liberator's Picture Tributes section by spelling out exactly how quasi-feminists are detrimental to the women's rights movement.
- Pro-Lifers Link Euthanasia to Abortion by Wendy McElroy. McElroy re-examines the pro-lifer's position due to recent events surrounding Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman who has been kept alive more than a decade by a feeding tube.
- So Much for Individual Attention! by Dr. Mark Shapiro. Dr. Shapiro informs us of California State University's newest financial tactic, which has students practically lining up like cattle in lecture halls.
- 40 Years Later: Kennedy, Presley and McCartney by Chris Volkay. Volkay uses a tongue-in-cheek approach to show why so many people have a need to believe in conspiracy theories and other persistent myths.
Monday, September 13th, 2003
There are four updates to report:
- Wendy McElroy writes The Personal is Personal. In an age of information freedom, McElroy says that sexual freedom and our ability to be indifferent of other's sexuality is a civil rights issue. McElroy claims that our right to decide what is right is being threatened by political correctness in combination with freedom of information.
- Gary Sloan writes Shelley: Angelic Atheist. Sloan unfolds the life of yet another prominant atheist, Percy Bysshe Shelley. We find that, like most prolific atheists, Shelley holds views that draw upon many areas of academia.
- Francois Tremblay writes The Intellectual Poverty of Creationism. He's on the offensive against relatively new Creationist terms such as intelligent design and irreducible complexity. No matter which side one subscribes, it's informative and a must-read.
- Chris Volkay writes Relationships: The Fifth Paw. He claims that the love that is propelled by society runs contrary to genetic impulses. Volkay says that we have a better chance of catching Bigfoot than we do lasting romantic love.
Sunday, September 7th, 2003
Tom Pagels has two new cartoons. There's one on increased gas prices and another on California's recall.Friday, August 22nd, 2003
There is a fear that SUVs are road hazards, gas guzzlers and pollution generators. Read The SUV: What Environmentalists Don't Report by Mark Liberator to get a complete view of SUVs and their owners.Wednesday, August 6th, 2003
There are two new articles/essays:
- The Marriage Quagmire, written by Wendy McElroy, provides us with insight to the state of affairs with the institution of marriage. McElroy informs us of current law and her own take on the issue.
- Talking of Peace, written by Asoka Selvarajah, is a reflective piece on the not so simple topic of peace. Selvarajah correctly identifies our modern, hypocritical state of peace that has 'super powers' practically dictating it, which is contrary to the true basis of lasting peace.
Thursday, July 3rd, 2003
- Wendy McElroy writes War May Redefine Gun Control. McElroy dispels the myths that are propogated by the anti-gunners who use fear as their ammunition. She uses statistics from many sites to prove her case. A must read!
- Ken Adams writes Good News Makes Bad Stories. Adams tells us of the quirkiness of news reporting. What is news? Is it simply the abnormal that gets reported?
- Francois Tremblay writes Rational Spirituality. Tremblay introduces us to spirituality with a rational approach, just as the title of the piece would indicate.
Tuesday, July 1st, 2003
Gary Sloan brings us The Book of Job and J.B.: Faith vs. Reason. Sloan explains how The Book of Job is used by religionists, ultimately to guide the way for a loss of reason. He compares the Christian tale with that of Archibald MacLeish's, called 'JB'.Wednesday, May 7th, 2003
Read an article by Wendy McElroy: Women With Guns Fight Back. John Walsh, of America's Most Wanted, has a reputation for being tough on crime, but McElroy finds that Walsh's television show has a shakey stand concerning women and their right to defend themselves. This is further disappointing evidence of media bias concerning our second amendment rights.Wednesday, April 16th, 2003
There are three new articles to report:
- Gary Sloan writes Thoreau on Patriotism: the Iraq Connection. Sloan utilizes the life of Henry David Thoreau to investigate the meaning of patriotism as we deliberate over the conflict in Iraq.
- Chris Volkay writes Random Musings. Volkay plays with the idea that war stems from religious tenants and, ironically, pays tribute to Richard the Lionhearted.
- Joseph Addison writes Plan Nine from Outer Space. Addison compares the Raelian cult with the once Christian cult and explains how the media is biased in regards to entrenched belief systems.
Sunday, March 30th, 2003
Tom Pagels has created more political cartoons. There's a 'toon of Saddam that is hilarious!Tuesday, March 18th, 2003
Get the latest political cartoons by Tom Pagels. Three of the four pertain to our war on terrorism!Thursday, March 13th, 2003
We have four updates to report:
- New contributor Michelle Rene writes Terror Alert? Reply Hazy, Try Again Later. This humorous piece effectively encapsulates the mindset of fellow Americans during our current terror crisis.
- Veteran writer Gary Sloan writes Bush Oblivious to Unbelievers. President Bush wrongly assumes that Americans follow certain traditional views of faith when statistics show that Americans subscribe to scientific beliefs.
- Men's rights advocate Glenn Sacks writes Iraqi Draftees: We Should Care About Their Boys, Too. Sacks shows compassion toward Iraqi soldiers who face mandatory armed forces service in light of the seemingly inevitable war to come.
- Watchtower skeptic Ken Adams writes The Power of Prayer. Adams debriefs us of the underlying logic of prayer. Is it worth the effort?
Sunday, February 17th, 2003
Michael Jacques writes Beyond the Republic. He tells us of his own desire to be a proponent of justice and relates it to Plato's Republic. Jacques informs us that his endeavor toward justice has led him toward happiness.Gary Sloan writes The Good Old Days Weren’t So Good. After revealing facts throughout history, Sloan convinces us that our past was not as rosey as we would like to think.
Cartoonist Anthony Fair had his picture added to our staff page.
The Reverend Liberator reviewed another religious website. Read the review of an important, possibly revolutionary, Christian site: CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, January 28th, 2003
We have four updates to report:
- Wendy McElroy writes Gambling with the Race and Gender Cards. The controversy surrounding race-related factors concerning admissions at The University of Michigan sparked McElroy to comment on this hot-button topic.
- Gary Sloan writes Robert Frost: Old Testament Christian or Atheist? Sloan expertly reflects on our once national bard by commenting on Frost's philosophy, works and life.
- Michael Jacques writes Philosophy, Science, and the Quantification of Mind. Jacques offers a look at philosopher Rene Descartes' dualistic view of the universe: material versus thought.
- Glenn Sacks writes 30 Years After Roe v. Wade, How About Choice for Men? The recent look at Roe v. Wade has Sacks telling us the need for male rights of reproduction.
Saturday, January 4th, 2003
- We have a new writer to contribute material, Michael Jacques. He brings us Rebellion and Liberal Conscience. Prepare to have the liberal philosophy described as it hits on issues related to The Pledge of Allegiance.
- A new cartoonist has joined our rank and file, Anthony Fair. He brings us two cartoons: one on corporate competition and the other on irresponsible candyholics.
Friday, January 3rd, 2003
View a second article by David Obuchowski, A War on Arrogance. You'll find that David has a view on the U.S. weapons inpection that may not be mainstream, although it is valid. He questions our right to carry out weapons inspection on Iraq when we hold numerous nukes of our own.Click HERE to see what was new at The Liberator in 2002.