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What's New in 2002 |
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[Read the archives for 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998.]
Saturday, December 14th, 2002
- Tom Pagels brings us FOUR new cartoons! They are of his usual caliber -- precise and aimed at George W. Bush.
- Affirmative Action Insults Immigrant Contributions: Wendy McElroy itemizes a cohesive argument against the act of lowering standards for various minirity groups.
Sunday, November 17th, 2002
Read the following four updates:
- God Who?: New contributor David Obuchowski takes us on a quasi-spiritual journal as he wrestles with the term 'God' in The Pledge of Allegiance.
- The Ad Culture and Its Opponents: Francois Tremblay tells us of the effects the ad culture has on us as well as arguments used to combat it.
- Why Males Don't Go To College: Glenn Sacks informs us of the anti-male bigotry that takes place within university courses across the country.
- Taking Leave of a Personal God: Asoka Selvarajah enlightens us of the need to forego a connection to a personal deity and the benefits of doing so.
Wednesday, October 30th, 2002
There are five updates to report...
- Organ Trade is Moral: Francois Tremblay informs us of the medical benefits and civil rights issues related to organ donation.
- Praying for Saddam: With the conservative platform firmly rooted in Christianity, Gary Sloan takes this to its logical, surprising conclusion.
- The Humanist's Top Ten Quotes Regarding Life: Chris Volkay delivers a top-ten list of humanist quotes -- showing us that we can learn from the dead.
- History on Purpose: Guest writer Tom Cordle reports on the educational impact of revisionist history.
- Cartoonist Tom Pagels brings us SIX new cartoons! Have a look at these superb works of art for yourself. Does this guy ever stop drawing?
Wednesday, October 8th, 2002
We are pleased to report two new articles.
- Glenn Sacks writes New Study Finds Myths, Misrepresentations In Women's Studies Textbooks. Sacks shows us that the information found in women's studies books paints women in a positive light by perpetuating falsehoods.
- Francois Tremblay writes Is Reality a Simulation Game? Tremblay argues that our reality is actually the product of artificial intelligence software!
Thursday, October 3rd, 2002
There are two new articles. (1) Is There a Batterer in the US Senate?: Glenn Sacks reports that Hillary Clinton is a perpetrator of domestic violence. Since Mrs. Clinton speaks on behalf of domestic violence issues, his work leaves us wondering. (2) Shooting the Messenger: Ken Adams tells us of the ordeal suffered by Bill Bowen from Jehovah's Witnesses in regard to pedophilia prevention in the church. It appears that the Catholic Church isn't alone.Saturday, September 28th, 2002
We have three new articles:
- Chris Volkay delves into religion and its affect on human psychology -- specifically on the issue of life. Going to a Better Place
- Gary Sloan takes a look back to the past at one of the most prominant scientists of the 20th century, Albert Einstein. He provides us with a sneak peek at Einstein's philosophy concerning peace. Einstein on Peace
- Francois Tremblay examines Islam. His report is much different than that of -- what he implies -- the politically correct media. Islam, the Barbaric Religion
Sunday, September 8th, 2002
More updates...
- America Pans Pledge Lite by Gary Sloan. Sloan examines the history and ramifications of the phrase 'one nation under God' within the Pledge of Allegiance.
- I Pledge Allegiance to What? by Mark Liberator. Americans may be resorting to flag-waving and hollow acts of patriotism as a means for coping with the 9-11 tragedy. This article examines the full depth of patriotism.
- Science vs. Superstition by Chris Volkay. Volkay delves into the age-old battle between science and superstition -- trumpeting the many benefits of rational thought.
- Is Humanity Progressing? by Francois Tremblay. Tremblay pulls up hard data on this topic and finds that there is absolute proof of the overall progress of humanity. It runs contrary to public opinion.
- Practicing Intellectual Virtue by Wendy McElroy. McElroy tells us how to argue with tact by revealing pitfalls and exposing many beneficial techniques.
Saturday, August 24th, 2002
The Liberator has added a subscription service. Our readership can now receive brief notices when we have updates to report. Find the subscription form here.Sunday, August 18th, 2002
There are seven updates to report!
- Ralph Panzullo - Here is yet another new member to join The Liberator! He brings us three cartoons: taking wacks at religion, horror films and long-distance carriers. View his index page to see them.
- Ken Adams - Beliefs That Kill Adams reports on The Jehovah Witnesses' desire to prevent one of its members from receiving healthcare. It's stems from biblical fundamentalism.
- Gary Sloan - The Rubaiyat of Edward FitzOmar Sloan has us look at Omar Khayyám's artistry through the veil of his interpreter, Edward FitzGerald.
- Francois Tremblay - Crop Circles: Are They Signs? The new film Signs has aliens creating crop circles for their dastardly plans. Tremblay reaffirms that crop circles are the work of mere mortal humans.
- Wendy McElroy - Senate Must Not Ratify CEDAW It's about The United Nations' will to control government laws with harmful overtones of affirmative action for women representatives.
- Glenn Sacks - Baseball Player's Domestic Violence Arrest Demonstrates How Men are Presumed Guilty in Domestic Disputes If you believe that women are the sole victims of domestic violence, then you will be shocked by Sacks' revealing findings.
- Tom Pagels - Guys like Pagels make full use of our first amendment rights. He's president-bashing. See his two latest cartoons by viewing his index page.
Friday, June 28th, 2002
Here are two new articles and two new cartoons...
- Wendy McElroy brings us Catholic Church Faces New Sex Scandal. McElroy uncovers a still darker side to the Catholic Church as its priests may be sexually abusing nuns.
- Asoka Selvarajah brings us Lessons From The Animals. Selvarajah infoms us that all animals share similar characteristics and are not simple, progammed robots.
- We have two more political cartoons from Tom Pagels. Find one on the new American personae and another on politics.
Tuesday, May 21st, 2002
Two updates to report...
- Wendy McElroy brings us Feminists Claim Motherhood as Liberal Cause. It addresses the left-wing's latest strategy: to claim motherhood.
- Asoka Selvarajah brings us The Hour of Power. He tells us about the need for meditation and planning in our lives.
Monday, May 13th, 2002
We have three more political cartoons from Tom Pagels. He brings us artwork that approach government dollars, the IRS and global warming.Wednesday, May 8th, 2002
There are two updates to report:
- Gary Sloan writes, Ralph Waldo Emerson's Mystic Moonshine. Sloan provides us with another accurate glimpse of a prominant American writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- Wendy McElroy writes Are Parents Boycotting Public Schools? McElroy's research shows that there is a great deal of debate over the effectiveness of public schools.
Sunday, April 21st, 2002
We have two updates to report. Glenn Sacks writes The Tax Man Commeth. He draws parallels between our tax system and socialism. Gary Clark writes Dowd on Women and the 'Baby Bust': It's All Men's Fault. He comments on syndicated New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd's reflections on women's statistics, with a much different view.Sunday, April 7th, 2002
Today, there are five new updates:
- Sebastopol: A Warning to Civil Authority and the American Public by our newest contributor, Gary Clark. He examines the corrupt government of a California community, which is related to gun rights.
- Law School Lawsuit Threatens Academic Freedom by Wendy McElroy. Wendy has us take a look at a Virginia University lawsuit that threatens academic freedom in our schools nationwide.
- Emily Dickinson: Pagan Sphinx by Gary Sloan. He captures the life of Emily Dickinson by reflecting on her varied works. Emily was no simple woman.
- The Hypothesis of Sentient Self-Destruction by Francois Tremblay. He warns us of the inevitable collision between technological evolution and humankinds ability to cope with it.
- Tom Pagels gives us four new cartoons. See his index page for a peek. He addresses the Middle East, Bush, Florida's legistature and the Catholic Church.
Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
We have four articles to unleash:
- What is an AMERICAN Patriot? by our new contributor, Gary Clark. Since the September 11th attack in downtown New York, Americans claim to be more patriotic. Gary examines the true role.
- The Benefits & Dangers Of Spiritual Communities by Asoka Selvarajah. Do you enjoy attending religious services and meetings? Asoka informs us of the pluses and minuses of regular attendance.
- Doctors Question Teens Without Parental Consent by Wendy McElroy. Wendy provides us with some insight regarding the way doctors deal with minors. She exposes yet another problem with our healthcare system.
- In Defense of Russell Yates by Glenn Sacks. Andrea Yates drowned her five children; this is a fact. Glenn tells us why Andrea's husband, Russell, played no intentional part in the horrible act.
Friday, March 22nd, 2002
Ken Adams writes Bible Justice. Find some interesting Bible quotes that most religious people never cite. Ken addresses them and how they seem to approach the notion of punishment.Sunday, March 17th, 2002
There are three new articles to reach The Liberator:
- HarryUSA provides a look at the church and its influence on mental health: Is Religion Dangerous to Your Health?
- Wendy McElroy attacks those who undermine true feminism: 21st-Century Feminism.
- Asoka Selvarajah takes us on a positive thinking journey: Creating Excellence No Matter What.
Sunday, March 10th, 2002
We have two new articles: (1) Francois Tremblay tells us about the Gallup International Millenium Survey and (2) Gary Sloan writes Lord Byron: The Demons of Calvinism. Both have a religious slant and are -- as usual -- well written.Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
We have three updates...
- Francois Tremblay writes a humorous piece about the Olympics: Olympic Events of the Future.
- Wendy McElroy tells us about faulty statistics: Lady, Your Slip is Showing.
- Glen Sacks uncovers the reality of fathers' reproductive rights: Shouldn't Men Have a Choice too?.
Sunday, February 17th, 2002
View news about Atlanta's failed attack on our second amendment right. CLICK HERE.Friday, February 15th, 2002
We have three new articles. (1) Gary Sloan writes Aliens in the Holy Land: American Atheists. (2) Wendy McElroy writes Take Back Valentine's Day! (3) Glenn Sacks writes Should Men Still Be Expected to Pay for Dates?Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
We have three updates...
- Wendy McElroy writes about The National Organization for Women's position. Is it pro-choice or pro-abortion? Is NOW Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion?.
- Glenn Sacks informs us about John Walker's parents, with In Defense of John Walker's Parents.
- Tom Pagels brings us FIVE cartoons. CLICK HERE to view them.
Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
- We have the article The Remarkable Women of The Bible by Ken Adams.
- View two more cartoons by Tom Pagels -- CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
Tom Pagels brings us two more cartoons: Enron and Pretzel Terrorism. CLICK HERE to view them.Monday, January 28th, 2002
- A new contributer, Glenn Sacks, writes I Was (Almost) John Walker. Glenn examines what it is like to be young and full of idealism.
- Asoka Selvarajah writes In The Shadow of The Towers. Some time has passed, yet there is still time to reflect on the events around the World Trade Center attack.
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
- We have a new contributer, Kath Graham. She brings us Handguns - A Moral Imperitive. She writes about a right to carry weapons.
- Wendy McElroy writes The U.N.'s Role in Bosnian Brothels. It is an informative piece about The U.N.'s involvement in sex trafficking.
Sunday, January 13th, 2002
Gary Sloan contributes an article on Walt Whitman, called Walt Whitman: Sins Against Science.Thursday, January 10th, 2002
We have two new cartoons from Tom Pagels: Find Bin and Republican Spending. CLICK HERE to view them.Click HERE to see what was new at The Liberator in 2001.