About Ken
Over the years, I have worked as a Systems Analyst and Certified Accountant and am currently President of a medium sized company in western Canada. Based on my time as a lifelong, and now recovering, Jehovah’s Witness, I have plenty of experience with logical flaws, errors, and intentional misdirections. I now spend my free time mocking the Bible for fun and profit (actually just for fun, although I won’t turn down profits, if offered). My articles have been published in the Skeptical Review and here, in The Liberator.
Recent Archive
[May 15th, 2004]
Pascal Got it Wrong
[March 29th, 2004]
The Passion of the Christ
[July 3rd, 2003]
Good News Makes Bad Stories
[Marh 12th, 2003]
The Power of Prayer
[October 3rd, 2002]
Shooting the Messenger
[August 18th, 2002]
Beliefs That Kill
[March 22nd, 2002]
Bible Justice
[February 2nd, 2002]
The Remarkable Women of the Bible